I've seen a lot of status updates about how much people achieved last year and all the exciting things people are doing this year and wanted to remind myself what a good 2013 I had.
I graduated from Leeds University in July, just before my 23rd birthday
...With a 2:1! Which means I got accepted onto a Speech therapy course at MMU
Which also means I've met some lovely ladies.
I feel more dedicated and headstrong than ever before. The work is demanding and stressful and there's LOADS of it, but it is interesting and rewarding and I'm so proud of myself for getting to this point in the first place.
In regards to travelling, I have seen a few lovely places this year, although not anywhere too far flung. Colin and I spent weekends in beautiful Edinburgh and London, a gorgeous chilled out week in Fuerteventura and a quick stop off in St Ives.
I think my biggest success this year is finally being able to feel happy and confident about the way I look. Just before Christmas I reached a weight of 7stone10, although a complete disregard for calories over the Christmas period means that I am currently eight stone. To me, being this content with how I look is a huge achievement. I've still got a way to go and I'd love to lose half a stone before summer, but it is easy peasy to get dressed in the morning these days and I genuinely get to wear whatever I want
... within reason
We ended the year surrounded by all our friends, in our little home.
My new year's resolutions for this year are to lose half a stone and then get off my backside and get rid of this wibbley tum. I'd like to enter the Great Manchester Run and do 10k in around 50 minutes. I would like to finish the university year strong, with at least a high 2:1, but ideally a first.
I'd like to travel some more, make it to New York by the end of the year. Colin wants to go back to Fuerteventura. It's so peaceful there.
We're starting the year strong and heading to Reykjavik, via Bristol this weekend.
Finally, I'd like to work on being a better person, drinking less and being kind, not angry. I'd like to become more self confident just being myself, less of a socially inept mess. That will be by far the hardest resolution.